Tummy Trim

A natural weight management system that targets 5 key areas of metabolic health to help shed excess fat, crush cravings, and support natural energy.

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Our Products

Our weight loss products are the best in the line. Our pills contain trusted and natural ingredients that target various aspects of weight loss. Our formulation works as an appetite suppressant and kickstarts thermogenesis which facilitates fat loss and energizes you.

With so many diet pills on the market, selecting the best fat burning supplement can feel like a daunting task. At Nutristerk, we stand fully behind our products and provide our clients with a 100% money back guarantee.


Awesome with Extra Ordinary Flexibility

You can relay on our amazing features list and also our customer services will be great experience for you without doubt and in no-time
Weight loss

Our product promotes a healthier you by eliminating risk factors promoting diabetes, obesity, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

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Fat burning

Our product combines (alpha lipoic acid, cysteine base, and magnesium) and Capsimax Powder for a profound thermogenesis-effect that has been shown in studies to help reduce excess weight, suppress appetite, and sustain all-day energy levels.

Reduced fat accumilation

Clinical research published in Bioscience Report reveals the capsaicinoids found in capsimax powder may help reduce the body’s ability to store excess fat cells, and may even stop fat cells from growing; all without drastically changing one’s eating habits.

Eliminates food cravings

Natural chromium picolinate + nopal cactus + natural caffeine helps to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce cravings for sweets and carbs, and promote a feeling of fullness.

Increased Energy

The unique blend of high-grade, metabolism-supporting ingredients— including natural caffeine and Capsimax powder— helps to “stoke” our thermogenic fireplace by skyrocketing our energy levels naturally

Balaced overall mood

Struggle with daily mental fatigue? We added the naturally-occurring amino acid, l-carnitine, to our Tummy Trim formula to give cognitive support and keep you feeling motivated and positive while shedding the excess weight.


Achieve Your Dream Body

You can relay on our amazing product to ge the job done. Our product is organic, safe with no side effects.

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Check what our Customers are Saying

You can relay on our amazing products and also our customer services will be a great experience for you without doubt and in no-time
“I been overweight from young ago, but just recently had a wake up call. While on a family cruise, I couldn't join my family for dinner as I didn't fit in the chair. That's when I stopped and told myself I needed to lose weight. Since then I have started doing exercise, eating healthier and taking Tummy Slim. A lot of people thought I couldn't do it, but here I am - 44 lbs lighter than when I first started taking Tummy SLim. I can now be more active in day to day life and I have found applying for jobs easier and more accessible now that I have ethereal mobility to do all jobs required.”
Michelle Anderson
“My name is Mark , I bought a box Tummy Slim and used it for just over a month. My objectives were simple: lose belly fat and love handles, get a bit more of strength and be in the best shape possible! Combined with a diet change and some exercise, so far I lost 9 lbs in 1 month with the help of Tummy Slim! Overall I am very satisfied, but I feel that my transformation is not over and will continue taking for 3 months more to get the maximum results possible!”
Mark mesty
“I was struggling to lose weight that had crept on over 3 years due to becoming self employed and not keeping up with a healthy lifestyle. Started taking Tummy Slim and saw results after just 2 weeks. My appetite reduced and I started eating healthier and keeping more active. Biggest challenge was cutting down on chocolate which I love, but I lost 14 lbs in 9 weeks! Overall my confidence has risen and I love buying clothes a size under what I was wearing! I feel so full of energy and find I'm not looking for sugary treats at all now. My final advice would be to stick with Tummy Slim. It really helped me and the consistent support through email keeps you on track. Also, take pictures at the start as it really spurs you on during your journey.”
Limpsy adam


100% moneyback gurantee, free examination from our resident fat doctor. You will get expert advise about losing weight safely by eating a healthy, balanced diet and regular physical activity.
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72 Amsteroum Avenue Cronish Night, NY 34098


Office US : +207 235 7811

Office Kenya: +254704139377
